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Takeaway vs takeout
Takeaway vs takeout Takeaway と takeout (どちらも「お持ち帰り」という意味) Many people ask me which is more common….
Icing on the cake : 重なる喜び
Quick Tip: Icing on the cake : 重なる喜び Is basically something that makes a good…
I don’t speak fast. You just listen slow. 私は早く話していません あなたがゆっくり聞いてるからです A common problem I have…
I hate small talk. 世間話なんて大嫌いです i want to talk about atoms, deaths, aliens, sex, magic,…
The Way I think 私の考え方 Someone asked me, “Michael, why are you always angry in…
Stop fooling yourselves. 自分を誤魔化すのはやめてください You question why your english isn’t improving. 何故自分の英語は上達しないのか? っていう疑問 Yet you…